• Question: Why does Our Face turn Red when we get Embarrised?

    Asked by mmsp to David, Luna, Probash on 25 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      It’s triggered by an involuntary response of the nervous system to a stimulus; this triggers the release of adrenaline, which leads, among other things, to the dilation of blood vessels in your cheeks, and reddening.

    • Photo: Probash Chowdhury

      Probash Chowdhury answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      Interesting question. Blushing often occurs when you are nervous, embarrassed, or ashamed. It can also happen when you are angry. It happens when your adrenal glands release a bit of adrenaline during these situations, which causes your heart rate to go up and your breathing to become faster and you fell warmer. The blood vessels in your face also dilate i.e. they open up to allow more blood to flow.

      Since more blood than usual is now flowing through the capillaries in your face, your face will appear more noticably red.

      However, I’m not sure why only the face is affected and not the whole body since the adrenaline is circulated around the whole body. Perhaps the capillaries in the face are more sensitive and dilate quicker and easier than in other parts of the body.
