• Question: why do you think you are still in this competition?

    Asked by lilylloydpippearson to David, Probash on 25 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Probash Chowdhury

      Probash Chowdhury answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      I honestly don’t know. I gave it my best shot, I answered as many questions and attended as many chats as I could, that’s all I set out to do. I’m pleased I am still here of course and thank all those that voted for me.

    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      Gosh! I don’t really know – I have tried to answer as many questions as I can, and maybe there’s something in what I do or what I am saying that you like? Why do you think I am still in?!
