• Question: When we walk for a long time we get sore feet, but if you have bigger feet will it take longer for them to hurt?

    Asked by taralara to David, Luna, Mark, Probash on 25 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      It really depends why they get sore in the first place! If it’s due to poorly fitting footwear, footsize might not make any difference; if it’s due to the amount of pressure your feet bear, then perhaps bigger feet should take longer to hurt!

    • Photo: Probash Chowdhury

      Probash Chowdhury answered on 25 Mar 2011:

      Interesting question. I don’t think it matters about the size of feet. It’s more to do with how evenly spread the body weight is spread over the feet and how hard the impact of the feet is on the ground (lessened with insoles for example).
