• Question: when did you decide that you wanted to work and research such a deep problem

    Asked by sophie100 to Luna on 21 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      I suppose I decided to work to understand why some children develop into cold and uncaring people when I finished with school. I was working in a group home for troubled teenage girls who had been taken away from their parents to live in the home. I realized that I knew people with similar backgrounds to these girls; yet the people I knew had stayed away from trouble. I wanted to know how some people develop into well-functioning adults despite poor upbringings. When I studied psychology, I also learned that people can come from very different backgrounds, but both end up doing hurtful things to other people. I then wanted to understand both!!

      So, I have worked hard to study biological factors and parenting/friendship factors that might lead to poor outcomes for people. I am especially interested in how some people overcome their difficulties.
