• Question: whats life like being a scientist?

    Asked by joso to Melanie, Luna on 18 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 17 Mar 2011:

      It’s a lot of hard work with long hours sometimes. I enjoy it, though. I love learning about how people respond to stress and how behaviour is affected, in turn. Also, I get to travel quite a bit for my research, so that’s nice.

    • Photo: Melanie Stefan

      Melanie Stefan answered on 18 Mar 2011:

      I think it’s great – you can chose, to a large extent, what you want to work on, working hours are quite flexible and you can live and work in different countries, which is very exciting. Also, the work atmosphere is usually quite friendly and you don’t need to wear a suit to work!

      On the downside, it takes a lot of studying to get there and salaries (at least at the beginning) are not as good as in other jobs that require similar qualifications. Also, job security isn’t great at the beginning. For instance, the contract I’m on at the moment is for two years, after that, I’ll have to find another job, probably also just for one or two years, and then another one …

      Still, I wouldn’t want to do anything else, I think being a scientist is wicked.
