• Question: What will be left of the world when it has ended?

    Asked by ellaandkatie to David, Luna, Mark, Melanie, Probash on 22 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      Our memories, I guess, if we survive 🙂 Sorry, I don’t know that I completely understand the question. I suppose that if you mean the Earth, then maybe some rock will be left.

    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      Nothing! The physical world will come to an end in 5 or 6 billion years, when the sun rapidly expands into its Red Giant phase, swallowing up all of the planets in orbit around it, as far as Earth. Shortly after, the helium which has been burning in nuclear reactions will run out, and the Red Giant will collapse to form a white dwarf.
