• Question: What volcanoes have you studied?

    Asked by dr0dr3 to David on 21 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      The first volcano I worked on was Santorini, Greece. This small island has had many eruptions over the past 300,000 years and is a wonderful place to visit. During my PhD work I also got the chance to work on Mt St Helens (USA), and in the Tanzanian rift valley (Oldoinyo Lengai). Later, I worked on the Mono Craters (USA), then back in Greece, on the islands of Kos and Nisyros. Things got warmer when I had PhD students working in tropical Indonesia (Lamongan) and the Philippines (Pinatubo and Mayon), and eventually I too got a chance to work at the volcano observatory on Montserrat, West Indies. Over the past ten years, I have mainly been working in Italy (Etna, Vulcano); Ethiopia (Ado Ale volcano – it’s not in any of the volcano books yet!); and in Latin America (Santiaguito, Guatemala; Masaya, Nicaragua; Lascar, Villarrica, Llaima, Sollipulli, Hornopiren and Yate, Chile). I am sure that I have forgotten some! And before you ask – no, I have not yet visited Hawaii; or worked in Iceland (too cold for me!) or on Yellowstone..
