• Question: What has happened to the plants in Japan because I am very confused about what has happened to them?

    Asked by mobayetchovy to Mark on 16 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Vesey

      Mark Vesey answered on 16 Mar 2011:

      At the moment I’m not sure anyone knows exactly what will happen and I’m not really in a position to comment as Sellafield Ltd don’t operate nuclear reactors – our tasks focus on nuclear decommissioning and reprocessing. A lot of people are doing their very best to make sure the best possible outcome can be achieved. The situation is very complicated and, as with most things in science, trying to comment on something or predict what will happen without all the facts and evidence is almost impossible.
      The news will give some useful information on the situation but even then the full picture can’t really be explained or understood other than by those at the scene.
