• Question: how old were you when you started working as a scientist?

    Asked by jasanni to David, Luna, Mark, Melanie, Probash on 16 Mar 2011 in Categories: . This question was also asked by janetandlucy, 9wiga.
    • Photo: Probash Chowdhury

      Probash Chowdhury answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      I was 23 when I did my first unpaid science job and 25 when I started my first paid science job.

    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      Hi Jasanni,
      I started my first paid job as a research scientist as I was finishing my PhD, at the age of 24. This was a research fellowship, which lasted for a couple of years. This gave me the chance to finish off some things from my PhD work (which was based on a volcano in Greece), and to go and work in some labs abroad, at Caltech near Los Angeles, California (Melanie is there at the moment!). After that I started a job as a lecturer at university.

    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      I was about 20 years old when I knew I wanted to be a scientist. I was 21 when I conducted my first experiment on why people have trouble remembering the difference between left and right. I received my first pay check for being a scientist at the age of 31.

    • Photo: Melanie Stefan

      Melanie Stefan answered on 16 Mar 2011:

      The first science job I got paid for was when I did research for my MSc thesis at 22.

    • Photo: Mark Vesey

      Mark Vesey answered on 16 Mar 2011:

      23 when I started work (that ws after a degree, gap year & masters degree).
      Lots of people take many routes into a career now so you can start anytime between 16 up to whatever age you would like!
