• Question: How fast would an object (say, a plastic sphere) need to spin to force the outer layers (of atoms) to explode? Same question with steel and diamond ball. What would it look like a million times slower? Would chunks come off or would a kind of fine mist be seen evaporating from the ball? If it didn't break up, would it start to have a weird gravitational effect on objects nearby - (according to Einstein's theory of relativity)?

    Asked by sammieblues to David, Luna, Mark, Melanie, Probash on 23 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: David Pyle

      David Pyle answered on 23 Mar 2011:

      Ooh.. If we imagine an experiment on a much larger scale, then you’d end up with a rotating disk, a bit like a galaxy? Balancing the constraints of centrifugal force, and the conservation of angular momentum

    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 23 Mar 2011:

      Sorry, I just don’t know.
