• Question: how do you become a psychologist? I want to become a Criminal psychologist but I'm not sure how to get into that at school

    Asked by lovelife13 to Luna on 23 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 23 Mar 2011:

      That’s a cool field to get into. I called the FBI some time ago to ask them a similar question. One of the agents in the Behavioral Science Unit said they would prefer to hire someone with a psychology degree rather than someone with a criminological degree. So, I would suggest that you go to a school/uni that has psychology. I also happen to know that Durham University is thinking about having a masters course in criminological psychology, so by the time you graduate, it may be up and running. 🙂

      While I was at uni studying psychology, I took 3-4 modules on criminology and I found that to complement my studies quite well! I wish you the best of luck!!
