• Question: Do you have any background that made you wanna find out about how hurtful people become how they are?

    Asked by bamawkwardturtlebabies3 to Luna on 19 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Luna Munoz

      Luna Munoz answered on 19 Mar 2011:

      I’ll just say that I have never been hurtful. I have done things that could be seen as early signs of future bad/hurtful behaviour. For example, I wrote a story about killing everyone in my school at the age of 12 (it was fiction and I never did kill anyone). But nowadays, people take that as an early sign that I could have been a potential school shooter. Because of my early experiences, I have been interested in why I did not become a hurtful person.

      My early situation was similar to school shooters, except that I turned out differently. In developmental psychology, we call this multifinality. I have been doing scientific studies to find out by what mechanisms people may have similar early experiences but then turn out differently. With this research, we can design ways to veer people onto the right track.
